Reader Question:
My ex-husband sent myself a contact that said I was outstanding woman, the guy enjoyed myself deeply and I would continually be on their mind. He said he was embarrassed of themselves for letting somebody at all like me go. Exactly why would the guy send me this after becoming separated for pretty much weekly?
-Cindy S. (Tx)
Dr. Wendy Walsh’s Answer:
There are three feasible mental cause of his show of love to you merely one week following the divorce.
Given that everything is satisfied and also the separation is final, he is able to put on his rose-colored sunglasses and don’t forget the great reasons for you.
Once the breakup papers tend to be finally signed, it is formal. It’s over. No matter how terrible the matrimony was, this evidence of closing may bring right up a strange split anxiousness.
So long as the splitting up ended up being pending, he knew you could for some reason reunite. But now things are last. This might trigger self-doubt and separation anxiousness.
I’m not sure who started the separation and divorce, how long you’re divided, or just what incidents happened inside the commitment, but I do know this is certainly a common post-divorce effect.
If you believe this may be the impression that prompted their email, think long and frustrating just before get into the fire. The number one sign of someone’s potential conduct is their previous conduct.
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